Analisis Keberlanjutan dan Strategi Pengelolaan Sistem Penyediaan Air Minum Berbasis Masyarakat di Kabupaten Bekasi, Jawa Barat
PAMSIMAS, keberlanjutan, multidimensional scaling, RAPFISH, SWOTAbstract
One of the government's efforts to improve drinking water services is the implementation of a community-based drinking water supply system (DWSS) through the Community-Based Drinking Water Supply (PAMSIMAS) program. This study analyzes the sustainability of PAMSIMAS to assess its sustainability status, identify influencing factors, and formulate management strategies to ensure the sustainability of the program. The method used for the sustainability analysis is Multidimensional Scaling with RAPFISH, focusing on technical, institutional, financial, social and environmental aspects. SWOT analysis is also used to determine management strategies. The study was conducted in seven PAMSIMAS sites in Setu District, Bekasi Regency, with data collected through questionnaires, interviews and observations. The results show that the seven CBWS fall into the "fairly sustainable" category, with sustainability index values ranging from 60.00 to 72.00. The main factors influencing sustainability are water quantity, sanctions, regularity of payments, community meetings, and protection of water sources. The SWOT analysis shows that six CBWS are in Quadrant I, requiring an aggressive system development strategy. Meanwhile, another PAMSIMAS site is in Quadrant III, requiring a turnaround strategy to minimize weaknesses and capitalize on opportunities.
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